Monthly Archives: June 2011

Taylor Swift is Super Humble, by j


Alright…A and I traveled to Detroit last Saturday night for the most epic moment of many lives of tiny children and lovestruck, romantic young women- the Taylor Swift concert.

I scored some amazing tickets from a generous person and on Saturday night A and I traveled to the US of A. The journey down was uneventful. However I did learn that Michigan drivers were insane and super fast (but not too fast that we couldn’t read their creepy bumper stickers).

We arrived on Brush Street to an incredible amount of traffic. It was packed! It didn’t help that Ford Field (where the concert took place) was across the street from Comerica Park (where there was a Tigers game happening). It was quite the scene, tailgaters mixed with cowgirls.

We arrived at Ford Field and went in after being patted down (at a TAYLOR SWIFT concert…please there were thousands of tweens, no pot smokers here…). We walked around the stadium and looked at the spectacle of the event before us. There were 4 year olds, 12 years, teens, young adults, moms, dads, and grandmas. If nothing else Taylor has a large audience.

She had three opening acts. Three. Quite the groups…

– Randy Montana
– Frankie Ballard
– Need to Breathe

Interesting bunch.

So I can’t really sum up what the massive concert was like, take a look at these videos that I took…

However…I would like to make a plea to Taylor. I get the “humble” act. Truly. But don’t you think you’re over playing just a bit? Just a tiny bit? Sigh.


The Hunger Games (by, m)



For someone so judgmental towards popular fiction, I’ve surprised myself by jumping on a literary bandwagon. In between book club novels, I’ve read the first novel in a futuristic teen fiction trilogy called “The Hunger Games”, by Suzanne Collins. And I’m obsessed. I tell everyone I can about it. My roommates fought over who got to read it first when I was finished–that’s how highly I speak about this one.

Here’s the book jacket synopsis:
‘In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the other districts in line by forcing them to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight-to-the-death on live TV.

One boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and sixteen are selected by lottery to play. The winner brings riches and favor to his or her district. But that is nothing compared to what the Capitol wins: one more year of fearful compliance with its rule. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her impoverished district in the Games.

But Katniss has been close to dead before – and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love.’

Yep. Woah.
So I’m biding my time before I can borrow book 2 from the library (it’s never there…damn thirteen-year-olds, always borrowing books), and in the mean time have learned that they’re making a movie based on the novel!
I waited until I was done the first book to check online to see the casting…I feel like knowing the cast for a movie while you’re reading the book is kind of like watching a music video while you hear the song for the first time. It’s always better to let your imagination do the work, and then judge the interpretation afterward, right?
But this…I am impressed with the way they cast the lead. Jennifer Lawrence! When I heard, I was unsure. And then I saw the picture! She’s perfect, and I hope the movie does the novel justice. (And Stanley Tucci is in the movie! Who doesn’t love Stanley Tucci!?)

Jennifer Lawrence in "The Hunger Games"

In the meantime, I’m debating whether to tell our school librarian to buy the books for our school. On one hand, they’re blowing up at bookstores, flying off the shelves. We’ll have grade sevens at our school next year, and I know we have the stupid Twilight series in our library already, so why not get something interesting as well? On the other hand, it’s fullllll of violence and death…at the hands of teenagers. So I’m unsure.
One thing I do know…you can find me at the beach this summer, with novels two and three clutched in either hand.

# 8: A Song You Know All the Words To, by j


I don’t know when I started listening to this song, but ever since I put it on my iPod I can’t stop listening!

I first heard about Joel Plaskett through some folk-y connections.  I loved his voice, and his lyrics are fabulous.  I picked up a CD and instantly fell in love with his voice.

Since then, I’ve been pleasantly surprised that the rest of his repertoire is amazing, if you have a chance you must check him out.

My favourite song of his is one that I could sing without the music playing.  Love it.

Now you get to enjoy-

Joel Plaskett

“Nowhere With You”

Kindergarten Orientation Tomorrow! (by, m)


Tomorrow, 80 or so nervous parents and 40 wide-eyed children will come to hear my colleagues and I talk about September.

I’m in charge of giving a speech on the following:

*Fine and Gross Motor Skills*

-children must wear velcro shoes…I have no time to tie 40 laces.

-children must be able to do up their own buttons, esp. pants…for obvious reasons.

-children must be able to climb and descend stairs independently (literally, it’s in the notes they’ve given me…do some children not have that skill?) [EDIT: now that I think about it… little sister A bum shuffled down stairs till she was about 11]

-they must be able to “run with control”

-J’s personal fave “knowing and understanding personal space”

Wish me luck!

Linky Love, by j


Time for another installment of Linky Love.

Check out some lovely time wasters!

– Check out this blog, .  “Forever 21” is a clothing store in the States…that sometimes makes questionable contributions to fashion.  This woman started this hilarious blog.  Now she’s being sued.  Enjoy the blog before it’s gone forever.

– For those of us on Facebook with mommy and daddy friends who think that they are the hottest, most hard working thing since Jesus check out STFU, Parents.  This blog has some epic screen shots of some incredible status updates and status hi-jacking.  Hi-larious.  Enjoy.

– For a bit more solemn moment check out the very moving blog of Derek K. Miller.  He blogged honestly through his battle with cancer, didn’t sugar coat any of his symptoms and wrote his own obituary which he had a friend post the day after he passed away.  Amazing.  Check out Pen Machine.

– Ever feel like you life is just not going in the right direction?  Go over to this site and read about others’ shitty days…

– After wallowing in your own self-pity (seriously get over yourself) walk your fingers over to this ridiculously cute site.  I don’t like animals too much, but a picture of a cute puppy or lemur?  I can get behind that.

– With wedding season officially on, I stumbled across this cool site for brides.  Enjoy if you’re planning your own offbeat nuptials.

– Some may know this site, of 1000 Awesome Things.  This blogger lists off 1000 things that are awesome.  Fantastic.

This website will be it’s own entire blog post.  The Duggars just began their newest season last night, amazing.  Check out their family website, it will give you endless entertainment.  Check out the links of modesty (“Ladies, have your dad screen your wardrobe, for he knows more than you”, “campus is a loaded minefield”  GAH!), reverse vasectomies, Duggar recipes (Tater Tot Casserole anyone?!)), and Michelle Duggar’s favourite quote (“Saying there are too many children is like saying there are too many flowers”).

Help!!! (by, m)


I’ve recently found a bag that I want/need (you know how it is). I went to visit it at the store today–as I so often do with items that I’m saving for–and I realized that it comes in more colours than I thought. So…here’s the bag:




Shall we try our first poll here at Weyward Sisters?? I think so!!

I wear a lot of black, but keep in mind that the black one looked a little lint-prone in the store today.

And while we’re at it…I’m also coveting this hat from Club Monaco:

#7: A Song That Reminds You of an Event, by j



September 2001

I was a first year student at UWO enjoying all the insanity that goes along with Frosh Week.  I wore the same shirt all week, drank a lot, made new friends and adjusted to being a university student.

As I look back, I do believe that one of the purposes of Frosh Week is to exhaust and embarrass the new students.

Cue the dance.  All residences and affiliate colleges were meeting for the big rally on the hill at the end of the week.  We spent a week learning our own chants, cheers, etc.  And we learned a dance.  It all went well in the gym.  I blame little sleep and a rush of terrifying anxiety for making me think that this would turn out well.

We moved in a giant mass to the hill.

Cue the music.

For the first 20 seconds of the song (during the Stevie Nicks sample) we were bent down, and bouncing up and down.  In the gym I did this perfectly.  But on a hill (on a freaking hill!?!  Why would we be doing a dance on a slant??!  COME ON.) it was disastrous.

After the first 20 seconds I bounced, bounced, bounced.  And then fell.  And rolled a bit.  Luckily either my fellow students did their best to shade me from people seeing or they completely ignored me.  Which ever, I crawled away and watched them dance their little hearts out.

Then I got drunk with my new found friends.

Therefore this song will always remind me of falling flat on my butt in front of the entire class of 2005.

Destiny’s Child (2001)


Welcome to the Boys’ Club: A girl’s point of view during the golf season, by a


The air is warm,the  grass is cut and all over North America the sound of emerging sock tans can be heard. This means golf season is upon us and as a player, I’m excited. There really isn’t a better summer activity than playing on a course with your friends (unless it’s 44 degrees outside, as I learned yesterday; still had fun, however I shall liken it to being on the surface of the sun). And ohh, the tan lines. Not just the aforementioned socks, but farmers tan and even v-neck tan, from where your collared shirt gapes at the front (personal favourite).

There is plenty good about this time of year, though having played since I was 13, I have since picked up on several things that make the golf season tricky to navigate for a young woman.

1) The clothes. Ohh the clothes. I appreciate that the majority of the golf demographic is either male or over the age of 50, but really. I’m just waiting for the day when the starter asks my (male) friends and I, “So how are you boys doing today?”. Unflattering bermudas and collared shirts are my enemy, yet they seem to be my only option. What irony that while I have to succumb to the evils of ladies golf wear, the course is usually teeming with good looking eligible bachelors. There is hope on the horizon however, as designers are recognizing the lack of fashionable pieces for women. Designers like these are creating fashion forward looks for women on the course. I don’t know how practical these pieces would be if you would like to make par or even sweat a little, but hey, it’s a start!

2) If you are a lady, you better be good. Because I like to play the game, I find that I am constantly trying to prove myself, as I receive one of two reactions when I am on the course. 1- They expect you to be good and (usually) get really excited, thus pressure to perform, and 2- They either feel threatened or want nothing to do with you. The latter I am happy to say I have not had to experience a whole lot in recent years, as I usually play with the same group of friends, but my oh my pair a 15 boy who has yet to reach puberty with a girl and it’s like you’ve done the worst thing. Makes for a a fun four hours.

3) Testosterone overload. I love my friends. They are a blast to play with and we have a great time. However, it’s going to be a long 30 years if I have to wait that long to even see another girl my age on the golf course. This excludes the pretty girls they always put at the front desk, or the overly flirtatious beer cart-girl, to whom I would just love to say, “Really?”. Although that may have to do with the fact that I look like a man in my golf attire and am thus resentful–see point number 1.

All in all, I’m looking forward to this upcoming golf season (and using my sweet new set of clubs, thanks dad!) and if you see a pink ball, don’t touch it, it’s mine!