Monthly Archives: May 2013

Lately, by j


Time for a recap.  There’s quite a few things we haven’t posted yet.

Starting with the epic-ness that was Florida.  It started with two non-tattoo’d sisters and one mildly tattoo’d sister.  We worked our way through Orlando while staying that the Liki Tiki Resort (LIKI TIKAY!).  Our mornings were filled with sleeping in and lounging while the afternoon and evenings were filled with visiting places like this:


And we learned that if you ever have a rainy day in Orlando, go to the Magic Kingdom.  It’s probably the perfect time to go.  Not a lot of folks go to the Happiest Place on Earth when it’s pouring.  It’s the perfect time to enjoy the house that the mouse built.

We visited our favourites and tried to stop A from losing her shit.  We rode the Jungle Cruise, scene of A’s infamous freak out at three years old.  We took a tour of the new Fantasy Land, including the new Ariel ride.  Serious nostalgia.  We followed it up with some Dole Whip, a ride of the monorail, a couple of times on Thunder Mountain and a very enjoyable at The Laugh Floor with Monsters Inc.  Turns out our dad is “that guy”.  It was by far the newest and coolest attraction.  It’s an interactive comedy show- and it’s pretty awesome.  At first I thought it was just a lame-o cartoon, but it turns out the animated characters are controlled by someone and were interacting with the very wet audience.  Check it out:

But before we got to the Magic Kingdom we visited a completely new world…somewhere we’ve only dreamed of…yeah.  You know it.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

This is basically A’s reaction when she saw the fake snowed rooftops of the HP wonderland:

And she hit me.  The place was pretty spectacular.  We even got to try some of the sickeningly sweet butterbeer with the magical foam (the stuff grew about four times its original size).  We barely split one butterbeer between the five of us.  We also learned that you have to get to HP World fast.  I mean, right when it opens.  And it just so happens that this part of Universal is at the back of the park- we were advised to run.  Newsflash: I only run when being chased, and even then it’s really just a walk that is a bit more frantic.  So we started to walk (with purpose) to the back…but we were still being cut in front of by rabid HP fans.  And when A saw the sign…she got cray-cray.

But then as we stayed there I started to go like this with all the crowds that started to form:

There were a lot of people trying to get a peek at HP World.  Why that place is not an entire amusement park on its own, I don’t know.

A couple of days later my wrist went from this:

blank wrist

To this masterpiece:


SISTER TATTOOS!  Now I have a permanent reminder of all the crap I do for them.  Like getting a tattoo in one of the most painful areas of my body.  So let me do what my wrist-tattoo’d friends didn’t for others:

This is a warning.  Never get a wrist tattoo unless you are prepared for the intense pain.  It will hurt like a bitch.  It will feel like you are being pierced by a needle over and over.  Because that’s what it is.  A needle, being dragged over some of your thinest skin.  And if you complain about it, you will be mocked.  And don’t let your dad take a video of it.  You don’t want that memory.

After that trip there were a few other things that went on:

– I finished school

– A finished her course work

– A moved to downtown TORONTO

– I got a full time job

– M still lives in the boonies

Last week part of the family (parents, grandparents and me, sans A) made the epic trek North to visit with M and FFD.  It was a first trip for myself, dad and the grandparents.  And I don’t think we knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into.

The first leg was a night next to the Pearson Airport, getting ready for an early flight.  Grams was up at 4am for our 8:30am flight.

Second leg, getting to the Thunder Bay Airport.


I was worried when I didn’t catch which baggage carousel to get our bags.  But then I realized- TBay only has one carousel.

And finally our third leg of the journey was the epic FOUR HOUR drive from TBay to Fort Frances.  Along the way we got to see some beautiful scenery and Grams spotted this:

mooseA MOOSE!  We turned around and stopped the car.  Then I had a panic attack when my father got out of the car for a closer look.

We had one stop on the way to the lovely little town of Atikokan.  It’s the one bathroom break between TBay and FF.  It was a Robin’s Donuts’ which appeared to be housed in an abandoned barn of some kind.  And it had a door bell.  And was surrounded by dirt (no asphalt in Atikokan, apparently).  I did something I haven’t done in years.  I held it.

And finally we found ourselves at the Super 8 in FF, checking in our parents, and then it was off to see where M has been living for the past eleven months.

And despite it being in the middle of the Canadian Shield, it was a pretty fantastic house.  Lots of room and despite me falling (pretty spectacularly) off the bed the first night, very comfy as well.

Basically I was all:

We also saw some other local wildlife:

dog threeHe’s a suck who slobbers on people.  He also sleeps on the humans bed.  EW.

Lucky he’s so friendly.  And would totally do something like this…(really the most relaxed dog ever):

While we were there I go some great sister time, and visited the local sights:

minnesota dockMINNESOTA!

We tried to find a patio, but it turns out Minnesotans don’t emerge until Memorial Day Weekend.

We also had quite the time at the border.  I suspect they thought Grams was some sort of iron-legged Canadian spy.

I didn’t leave the US without doing some shopping though:

moccassinsMoccasins!!!  I found some to fit my large feet.

And finally I also caught up on the local news:


Charity BBQs and a reader’s cat.  It’s a happening place.

And then we got to go to the local farmer’s market.  The smallest farmer’s market ever.  Complete with homemade furniture, pies, local honey, cosmetics, elk meat, wild rice and blueberry flavoured everything.  Oh and these little lambs:


M and I tried to decide which of us were more like the little black sheep in our family.  I think she wins.