Tag Archives: ballet

Happy Blog-iversary, Sisters! by j


It’s been a whole year of posts!  Can you believe it!

Right now I’m being inundated by other blog posts with New Year’s resolutions, year in reviews, lists, awards…quite frankly I can’t decide what should go up here.

So instead, we’ll take a look at the first year of blogging by the Weyward Sisters.  Here are the stats for our 2011!


Number of visits: 22, 170


Number of Posts: 173 posts


Let’s break that down:


J – 83 posts

M – 61 posts

A – 29 posts


(Come on A, your posts are the best!)


Top Posts:

Crystal Renn

The Hunger Games, by m

Review: Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s Moulin Rouge

#3: A Song That Makes You Happy, by j

Movie Review: Breaking Dawn part 1, by a


Top Google Search Terms:

The Hunger Games

Crystal Renn


Grilled Cheese

Jennifer Lawrence

(I think our blog has the potential of turning into a Hunger Games fansite)


Honourable Mentions for Search Terms:

“Grilled cheese vagina”

“Hermione side boob”

“I eat my own poop” (17 times!)



So far, 2012 is shaping up to be totes better than 2011 (no hospital visits, family!).


Here’s what we have to look forward to:


J ranting about another Olympic games

The Hunger Games (obvs)

US Presidential election

Travel (maybe!?)


The end of the world


Happy New Year!



The perfect ending to an amazing night, Royal York style, by a


By now you’ve read about the majority of our fun filled evening in Toronto last Friday, with great reviews about the performance and the food. Now it’s my turn, and I’m focusing my attention on our post-ballet destination: The Library Bar at the Royal York Hotel.

First of all, I would like to paint a picture regarding our journey from the ballet to the hotel…

Three sisters walking brusquely down the street…

M: What part of the show did you guys like the best?

A: I loved the last scene of Act I, where Nathalie and Mathieu dance under the Eiffel tower to Claire de Lune.

M: Yeah…(whimsical look) it’s just like that time I had that date when I was in Paris…

A & J: *shifty eyes* sure.

As we got closer to the hotel, we saw that there was a lot of activity going on just outside, consisting of  a lot of people, lights, and camera equipment. Being the smart little nuggets we are, we concluded that there was some sort of movie or t.v show being shot at the hotel that night. Once we entered the building, we saw a lot of people, presumably extras, waiting around and warming up, but we just passed them as we headed in the direction of the Bar. However, as we entered the lobby portion, things got weird…

A: (inside thought) wow, there are a lot of people in here…and that guy over there looks very attractive in a business suit, he seems to be having a very serious discussion with those people over there…and why does the lighting in here look weird…

*voice coming from right in front of us*: And…rolling!

A, J, and M: Freeze like multiple deers in headlights, as we are in fact, right in the midst of a scene for this production that they are apparently shooting in more that one location of the hotel. And I realize that the attractive man in the suit is an actor…duh.

After awkwardly bumping into extras (who I’m pretty sure were laughing at us) while trying not to ruin the entire thing, we approached the concierge and asked, quite confused, if the Library Bar was indeed open, as the movie set stood in front of it like a treacherous obstacle course we had to get through. After being informed that the Bar was open, we had to wait until the director man yelled “Cut!“, and then we leaped across the place like three gazelles and made it before they started rolling again. Mission Accomplished. Now bring on a beverage.

Once inside, we found a table and promptly ordered our drinks, a Singapore Sling for J, Vodka soda for M (who was upset with herself that she didn`t get the expensive vodka after she found out it was my treat. So UNgrateful!!), and a Shirley Temple for moi.

Throughout our wonderful and spirited conversation, we were also serenaded with the likes of the Black Eyed Peas and Coldplay, by a dapper looking guy on the classical guitar. The same one that was there the last time we were at the Royal York, and mom made me go up to him while he was playing and awkwardly hand him a tip. I don`t think he remembered that though. Thankfully.

All in all, it was a great evening, and I couldn`t have asked for better a end, or better company.

Thanks girls!

Review: Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s Moulin Rouge


On Friday, Feb. 11th, my sisters took me to see the Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s production of Moulin Rouge, at the Sony Centre.

It was a perfect date night, and they were the best Valentines that I could’ve asked for.

We started at my place, with wine and cheese, before we went to the Papillon on Front for an amazing dinner (more on that, later).  We walked to the Sony Centre from there, and after the show we listened to the sweet tunes of Sydney’s doppelganger at the Royal York’s Library Bar (more on that later, too).

Luckily, we read the synopsis before hand, which helped a lot.  I’ve seen the movie Moulin Rouge, but the story line of the ballet is different. The artistic director of the ballet introduced the show and encouraged everyone to read the synopsis before the show began.  It’s interesting that he did that, because it seemed that he was concerned we wouldn’t understand the plot otherwise.

The show was really beautiful.  I loved (most of) the costumes, save for the few that looked like figure skater’s outfits (green fairy,  you disappoint).  The can-can dancers wore frilly undies, which we got to see often.  The men mostly wore suits, which were much more flattering than tights.  And, there was an overwhelming amount of sparkles, in a good way.

Our favourite scene was at the end of act two, when Nathalie and Matthiew danced under the Eiffel tower…it reminded me of a date I had once under the Eiffel tower.  And my sisters didn’t even laugh at me when I told them that I felt I could really relate to that scene, and that it really reflected my own life. Hahaha.  Best. Valentines. Ever.

The only criticism we really had for the show was that the music wasn’t live.  Maybe it had to do with the fact that they were touring.

Overall, a beautiful night with my beautiful sisters that I will never forget. Thank-you!!

the royal winnipeg ballet's moulin rouge

moulin rouge!


taking a break from report card writing (blahhhh) to write about my christmas present!!  in a couple of weeks, my sisters are taking me to a fancy french restaurant le papillon (stay tuned for reviews!). then,we’re heading to the sony centre to see the royal winnipeg ballet’s production of moulin rouge!  i’m very excited.  not only is it a great date for valentine’s weekend, but we are planning on getting dressed up and making a big night of it!  i’ve been googling the production, and the costumes look really good. can’t wait, sisters!

choreographer j morris with the set design