#3: A Song That Makes You Happy, by j


This was a hard one to chose. Therefore I chose three, all by the same band.

I’m not sure what it is about parody/comedy/musical acts, but if you catch me on the right day, I’m super receptive to them.

This band was introduced to me by my aunt and uncle. We were in Toronto and they were making a stink because they went into a music/DVD store and asked for an HBO series to purchase on DVD. Apparently the clerk was super rude and had no idea about the series they were asking for. I wasn’t surprised that my aunt and uncle were super into something that was not mainstream- that’s there thing, finding super weird/cool/interesting things/movies/TV series/restaurants/etc. So I decided to check out what all the hype was about the New Zealand duo of “The Flight of the Conchords”. Their name confused me, however when I found their series I quickly became devoted. And like anything else that I like I tried to find out everything and everything I could about them.

If you haven’t already caught one of their episodes of their TV show (same name as the band, from HBO) I highly encourage you. It’s a comedy/musical show. If you like British style humour, you’ll really like it and if you’re just effing awesome you will also like the show.

Anywhoodles, after google-ing the crap out of these two I found that they’ve released a few CDs with their original “folk” music. This equals awesomeness. So, when I’m down I flip to the FOTC on my iPod and listen to one of the three following songs:

Flight of the Conchords



“Hip-Hopopotamus vs. Rhyme-nocerous”

About weywardsisters

The Three Weyward Sisters first appeared in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”. It turns out we have more in common with these “weird” sisters than we thought. In the Shakespeare play the sisters represent darkness, chaos and conflict. We’ll leave it up to you to decide which of us represents each. They also usually show up to mark impending doom. Well, we certainly hope that our presence on this little corner of the Interwebs doesn’t mean impending doom for anyone. However, we find our commonalities with the witches in other ways. To be weyward means to be willful, disobedient and to turn away from what is “right or proper”. Those who know us would whole heartedly agree – we are three weyward sisters. We are three headstrong, stubborn (some more than others), obstinate and willful sisters. Read at your own risk.

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  1. Pingback: Happy Blog-iversary, Sisters! by j « Weyward Sisters

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